Stefano KELLER: A short Biography | | Linguistic Human Rights | Linguistic & cultural diversity | Linguistic Justice | Multilingualism | Indigenous Peoples

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Digno kaj justeco por ĉiu el ni - Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj
الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان
Dignidad y justicia para todas y todos
Всеобщая декларация прав человека
Dignité et justice pour nous tous - Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme
Dignity and justice for all of us - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Достојанство и правда за све нас - OПШTA ДEKЛAPAЦИJAO ПPABИMA ЧOBEKA

Lingvaj Rajtoj
Derechos Lingüísticos
الحقوق اللغوية
Droits Linguistiques
Linguistic Rights
Sprachliche Rechte
Nyelvi jogok
حقوق زبانی
Diritti linguistici
Sproglige rettigheder
Jazyková práva
Taalrechten - taalrechtvaardigheid
Llengua internacional i drets lingüístics
Dil Hakları
Језичка права
. . .

Lingvaj Rajtoj - Derechos Lingüísticos - الحقوق اللغوية - Droits Linguistiques - ЯЗЫКОВЫЕ ПРАВА - Linguistic Rights - 语言权 - 언어권리

Stefano KELLER

A short Biography

Stefano KELLER, Linguistic Rights, Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA) Executive Board, Chief Representative at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland
Stefano Keller is a Swiss-based psychopedagogue and language teacher, originally from Hungary with a BSc (1975) and an MA (1980) from Budapest and further studies in psychoanalysis at the Stiftung Szondi-Institut, Zürich (1980-83), and in language teaching methodology, with a Diploma of the Internacia Esperanto-Instituto (IEI), the Netherlands, 1984. He has taught Esperanto in Switzerland, Sri Lanka (the Universities of Colombo and Kelaniya) and other countries. He has worked with a range of Swiss NGOs. He was the Project Manager of educational and humanitarian projects in Asia as a delegate of Terre des Hommes (1986), Sentinelles and the Swiss Red Cross (1987). He was the director of refugee centres in Switzerland (Swiss Red Cross, 1989-1991).

He has a particular interest in linguistic minorities, the aspects of intercultural communication, language policy and the equitable solution of the international communication through linguistic human rights. He participates in the work of advocacy groups in favour of indigenous peoples and minorities. He is the webmaster of multilingual websites and has contributed widely to discussions on the issues of linguistic rights, minority language use, as member of discussion lists, author of articles and contributor in blogs and social networks on the Internet.

From 2006 to 2012, Stefano Keller was the secretary of the Swiss Esperanto Society (SES). In 2008, he was one of the main organizers of the Symposium on Linguistic Rights, held at the UN in Geneva. Since January 2009 he is the chief representative of the Universal Esperanto Association (UEA) to the United Nations Office in Geneva:
Stefano Keller with his friends at the UN in Geneva: "Mia Familio"

He is member of the Minority Research Network (MRN) from the beginning, 2009.

2010-2016: member of the Executive Board of Universal Esperanto Association (External relations). He was the first president of the organization "Esperanto for the United Nations" (EUN) (November 2013-).

Since 2011 he is scientific collaborator of CDELI, the Center for documentation and study about the international language (esperanto: Centro de Dokumentado kaj Esploro pri la Lingvo Internacia / français: Centre de Documentation et d'Etude sur la Langue Internationale) at the City Library of La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE), Switzerland.

Some lectures and publications / Kelkaj prelegoj kaj publikaĵoj:

Stefano Keller's:
- videos: |
Pri la laboro de UEA ĉe UN en Ĝenevo:
Contact: "stefano.keller.1" (number one, not letter l), and then "" - Interventions of the representatives of the Universal Esperanto-Association (UEA) at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ronald BARNES | Anna BIONDI | Renate BLOEM | Flor Rayen CALFUNAO Paillalef
Ranieri CLERICI | Charmian COMMON | Renato CORSETTI | Probal DASGUPTA
István ERTL | Ricardo ESPINOSA | Michele GAZZOLA | François GRIN
Mireille GROSJEAN | Cyrille HURSTEL | Stefano KELLER | Mélanie MARADAN
John Mateo LOPEZ | Nicole MARGOT | Robert PHILLIPSON | Cesco REALE
Dietrich Michael WEIDMANN | Miryam YATACO
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